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North Carolina, United States

Monday, March 3, 2014

Rock 'em sock 'em ...ready for anything?!! ~R

Fun quiz about your self-concept... ~R


Topic-finders for getting ideas for songs or learning the true meaning of sayings ~R


...Here's a great career planner for self-improvement. Ask yourself these questions, you may be surprised by your answers.

Music Thru HU, formerly known as RT Express Enterprises has begun in full earnest. Thanks to the participants and students who have contacted me with the hopes of achieving their goals and dreams, I have accepted the honor of helping anyone by offering and helping to create a space to learn and grow whether it be through an instrument of your own choice, or finding your voice to speak your highest truth.
Guitar, Drums, vocals ...whatever you are currently expressing yourself through--a good 'grounding' can't hurt any of your endeavors. This year/this season (spring)/this moment we'll move forward and clean out the nooks and crannys of whatever may be getting in the way of your 'usefulness'. With the hopes of getting closer to finding your authentic self, and knowing your truth, I invite you to make a new start, refreshed and invigorated.

A number of topics will be open for discussion here, feel free to leave your insights. Grounding, personal power, love, communication, intuition and inner vision will be employed. I hope this year will bring success to all who seek the highest good in themselves, and therefore, raise the vibration level of all around them.
